Tuesday, March 2, 2010


WHAT are you doing?
What ARE you doing?
What are YOU doing?
What are you DOING?

You know if you place the emphasis on a different word in the same sentence it alters the meaning of that question. Kind of like life~ If we are to switch up any day, it changes the entire structure. Just by changing the arrangement~ For instance: a conversation at the post office, a visit to the mall, a day at work, erase a trip to town, pencil in a 10 minutes extra to the YMCA, and it’s amazing how different the outcome could be. The routine you make, the places you go the people you see and talk to all matter on how your day begins and ends. This also affects every single person you touch during that day. So if you skip the talk at the post office; you could have missed encouraging that person. If you erase the trip to town; you could have missed the moment awaiting you there. It is kind of like the movie “A Wonderful Life.” How does your life and agenda affect others?
This is a powerful thought. I can think back to many times and places where I have made a difference some ones life and outcome could have been life altering. It brings me to the current thought~ how much do parents effect the growth and future of our children? The every night tedious routines we complain about all day, really matters~ Assisting with home work, attending sports and functions, bed kisses, little hugs, words of encouragement, compliments and even discipline… All of this which seems like small insignificant gestures does add up to who our kids will be! Kids need structure and need consistency of love and support. For those kids who never are nurtured, encouraged or loved, how will they become loving parents to your next generation? Raising kids is more than paying for food, clothes and a place to live. You can be the poorest and still be a great parent.
Some nights I am so tired and don’t want to help with homework or listen the small arguments of 6th grade life~ But if I don’t listen and take the time, who will? I am fortunate to have the patients and love in me to want to be a parent. I feel blessed to have these qualities. I know many kids don’t have this and then we wonder how the world is filled with such evil. It all starts within our selves…One gesture does make a huge difference in a person’s life.

So make today count. As it might affect a ton of people you touch today.

"To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world."

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